Brodsky backs the $100 retread challenge

Dec. 30, 2014

There is something the Retread Tire Association (RTA) hates even more than tire debris on America's highways: the assumption all tire debris is the result of retreaded truck tires that have come apart.

Harvey Brodsky, managing director of the RTA, says the debris is made up equally between virgin tires and retreaded tires.

"The true reason that tires fail and throw tire debris -- also known as road alligators -- on our highways is because of improper tire maintenance, with underinflation being the main cause."

Brodsky says the RTA is more than willing to help naysayers visit a modern retread facility close to where they live to see how much care goes into producing a retreaded tire. He is convinced the plant tours will be worthwhile, so much so that the RTA will donate $100 to a visitor's favorite legitimate charity -- in his or her name -- if the tour proves unconvincing.

"This is a serious offer because we believe that a visit will open (their minds) to the benefits of top quality retreads, and we are willing to put our money where our mouth is, no questions asked."

To learn more about the economic and environmental benefits of retreaded truck tires, or to allow the RTA to arrange for a plant tour, either phone the organization at (831) 646-5269 or send an email to [email protected].