Big news: Gegax releases 'The Big Book of Small Business'

Feb. 14, 2007

Former tire dealer Tom Gegax, with the help of HarperCollins Publishers, has released his revised business management guide, "The Big Book of Small Business."

"I feel it's the most comprehensive small business book ever written for America's 25 million stressed out 'little guys' who are fighting the corporate Goliaths," says Gegax, co-founder and chairman emeritus of Tires Plus stores.

Following his 24 years as chairman and CEO of Tires Plus, Gegax founded Gegax Management Systems ( to help growing companies raise profits and reduce stress through fast, affordable business management guidance. He wrote about his warm-hearted, tough-minded approach to management in his second book, "By the Seat of Your Pants: The No-Nonsense Business Management Guide," the predecessor to "The Big Book of Small Business."

Modern Tire Dealer has been running excerpts from both versions of the popular business management guide regularly for the last two years.

Harvey Mackay, author of "Swim with the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive," describes Gegax's book as "the best one-stop shop for running first-class organizations." Richard Schulze, founder and chairman of Best Buy, says it contains "all the good stuff and none of the fluff."

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