Dan MacDonald

Dan MacDonald is a freelance writer and former public relations director for Bridgestone Americas Inc. He founded MacDonald Communications, which focuses on public relations and digital marketing. Reach MacDonald at (615) 681-5381, [email protected], or on www.maccomm.net.


How to Drive More Traffic to Your Door Using Google Ads

June 1, 2022
The digital revolution has fundamentally changed how we shop for products, the way we communicate and other aspects of our everyday lives.

How to Make Google Work for You

Feb. 2, 2022
Have you Googled your business lately? I hope so, because for a tire dealership, reputation is everything. If you give customers great service they can trust, they will stay fiercely...

How to Build a Stronger Referral Network

April 19, 2021
One of the most powerful marketing tools for your tire dealership isn’t some fancy new digital ad or geotargeted social media campaign, although I’m a big advocate...

Creating a High-Touch Culture in a No-Touch World

July 6, 2020
Amid this pandemic, you have an extraordinary opportunity to re-boot your business in a fundamental way — by truly putting the customer at the center of your culture. There are...