"Michelin sells performance, not rubber." This statement expresses Groupe Michelin’s company-wide mission and commitment to developing and manufacturing tires that deliver performance in several areas at once.
The company recently shared its strategic vision with the press. Here, in its own words, is what the company says helps give it its identity.
Strategic vision
"When a driver gets behind the wheel, he or she is responsible for making sure that nothing is left to chance and that everything works perfectly. In this respect, a tire plays three very important roles: carry the vehicle’s weight, transfer braking and driving torque to the road, and guide the vehicle.
"The tire’s critical missions, therefore, involve grip and handling, which why Michelin systematically aims to deliver the best possible performance. Michelin is deeply committed to ensuring the safety of drivers, passengers, pedestrians and other road users.
"Moreover, Michelin tires also offer the market’s longest tread life and improve a vehicle’s energy efficiency.
"Michelin is continuously improving all of the parameters that determine tire performance. Although it would be easier and less costly to focus on just one of them, Michelin has long leveraged its advanced technologies to meet the challenge and overcome the difficulties of simultaneously improving all of the parameters that are essential for users.
"The characteristic of every Michelin tire, 'Michelin Total Performance,' is a natural outcome of the Groupe’s strategy and informs every aspect of its research and development process. At a time when Michelin is renewing 80% (in sales volume) of its passenger car and light truck tire ranges in less than three years, this commitment is a guarantee of quality for its customers."
Research and innovation, Michelin’s DNA
"Research and development are Michelin’s twin engines of growth.
"Innovation is the imperative that guides all of Michelin's 6,000 researchers, engineers and chemists in Europe, the Americas and Asia who are focused on the materials, design, development and commercial production of the tires of the future. From the beginning, Michelin’s strategic vision has clearly focused on driving an innovation dynamic and developing new technologies to serve customers with innovations fully aligned with their expectations.
"These activities cover a very broad spectrum, ranging from understanding fundamental chemical and physical phenomena to creating and testing prototypes and ensuring the feasibility of series production. Moreover, with research facilities on three continents, teams can develop their knowledge of local usage.
"This system also promotes technical partnerships and cooperative ventures with leading research laboratories, thereby providing access to related skills and capabilities."