Omni United fights breast cancer

June 22, 2011

Omni United Pte.LTD., a consumer tire manufacturer based in Singapore, has joined the fight against breast cancer.

The company recently kicked off "Mobilizing Hope" -- a year-long partnership with The Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF). To give visibility to the campaign, Omni United's Radar Tires division has produced a short video that will be made available to the public through Radar Tires' Web site, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

In addition, Omni will donate $.25 per each Radar tire sold to the BCRF -- with a committed minimum annual donation of $250,000. The company's goal is to raise $1 million.

"Mobilizing Hope" launched in the United States this month, with products benefiting BCRF available from more than 12,000 leading tire retailers serviced by the Omni-United distribution network; that includes Michelin North America Inc.'s TCI Tire Centers.

"We at Omni-Radar believe that our company has a responsibility to the world beyond making a safe, durable, eco-friendly, and attractive tire for our customers," says CEO and President G.S. Sareen.

"We admire BCRF's efficiency and relentless focus on funding the most cutting edge medical research to prevent and find a cure for breast cancer. We would like Radar Tires to leave a different type of mark in the world."

Core Radar brand products include the Dimax R8 and RPX800 ultra-high performance tires and the new Centigrade RWX1, Radar's first winter tire. For more information, click here.