Nexen Tire Introduces 'Purple Summit' Business Partner Program

March 10, 2016

Nexen Tire announced that the company will launch its ‘Purple Summit,’ an integrated marketing campaign, as part of its efforts to expand global marketing activities and strengthen relationships with business partners.

Starting this year, Nexen Tire will host upcoming events for its business partners under the name of 'Purple Summit.' The newly introduced ‘Purple Summit’ campaign looks to enhance business relationships at home and abroad through various programs and activities while also sharing Nexen Tire’s future visions with business partners, reaffirming their choice to work together.

“Nexen Tire has initiated the ‘Purple Summit’ for its worldwide business partners to establish solid relationships starting in March 2016 in Manchester, England. Through the program, Nexen Tire will continue to make a long-lasting commitment to its partners, as well as to its customers all around the world,” said Nexen Tire.

The first ‘Purple Summit’ campaign, entitled ‘2016 Purple Summit, Manchester,’ was held from March 4th to 6th in Manchester, England. During the campaign, more than 70 participants had opportunities to gain a full understanding of Nexen Tire through numerous programs including a gala dinner, the Nexen Conference, the Nexen Booth Tour and enjoying a football match at Etihad Stadium.