Kumho Becomes Official Tire for 2024 Formula Drift

April 4, 2024

Kumho Tire USA announced it is the official tire of the 2024 Formula Drift and sponsor of the Formula Drift Pro Championship.  

"As an official tire of Formula Drift, this will provide a national footprint to elevate the brand in the United States, reaching millions of motorsport enthusiasts," says Shawn Denlein, president of sales and marketing, Kumho Tire USA.  

"We manufacture some of the best tires in the world and are showcasing the quality and capabilities of our ultra-high performance tires under the most intense and grueling environments that the Formula Drift platform provides." 

As part of the sponsorship, Kumho will receive track signage and activation during race weekends and have a major presence on the race broadcast.  

"We're excited to welcome Kumho Tire USA. to the Formula Drift family in 2024 and beyond,” says Ryan Sage, president of Formula Drift.  

“At this stage in the Formula Drift Championship, tires have never been as important as they are now and there is only a small select group of manufacturers who are willing to put their tires to the test at this level. Kumho has stepped up to take on that challenge.” 

The 2024 Formula Drift schedule consists of eight races in major markets across the United States. The races are broadcast live on multi-platform distribution across Facebook and YouTube. 

Kumho also announced it will partner with three drivers as official tire sponsors for the 2024 Formula Drift season. The drivers are Jeff Jones, Andy Hateley and Dean Kearney.