From tires to texting, Tire Rack and its Tire Rack Street Survival program, a hands-on, real-world safe teen driving program, are offering up advice teens should take to heart before they head out on the road. The online tire dealer is promoting National Teen Driver Safety Week, Oct. 18-24, 2015.
Here are some safety tips:
Tread carefully: The right amount of tire tread provides vehicles better traction, particularly in wet or icy conditions. Every time you get an oil change, check your tire tread as well. A tire with 2/32-inch of tread or less needs replacing. To measure, use a tread depth gauge or place an upside-down penny into several tread grooves across the tire. If part of Lincoln's head is always covered by the tread, you have more than 2/32-inch of tread depth remaining.
Examine tire pressure: Everyone should know how to check tire pressure – it’s one of the simplest, yet most critical do-it-yourself maintenance steps. While you’re checking your tire tread, also make sure tires are properly inflated. Now that we’re in the midst of fall, it’s important to remember that falling temperatures lead to a decline in tire pressure. Check your pressure and adjust it if needed, per the vehicle’s tire placard in the inside of the driver's door. Don’t forget to check the spare (if your car has one) while you’re at it.
Ease your load: Having too much stuff – or too many passengers – can overload a vehicle. Your vehicle’s load capacity can be found in the owner’s manual and your tires’ load capacity can be found imprinted on the sidewall of the tires. Don’t overwork your vehicle by exceeding these capacities. As for passengers, if someone is left without a seatbelt, they’ll need to find another ride.
No texting or distractions: Even experienced drivers can lose focus thanks to today’s multiple in-car distractions, from fiddling with infotainment systems to incoming text messages. Eliminate temptation: keep your phone in the glovebox and out of reach while you’re driving and keep your eyes on the road ahead until you’ve shifted into Park.
Slow down: When it comes to operating a motor vehicle, getting to school late should be the least of your worries. Be aware of speed limits, and take driving conditions into consideration. If the roads are slick or visibility is low, slow down even more. Feel the need for speed? Public roads aren’t the place. If you want to hone your skills even more, check out one of the over 1,200 local SCCA driving events held annually in the U.S.
To help parents and teens discover safe driving skills together, Tire Rack continues to sponsor Tire Rack Street Survival, a national non-profit and advanced teen drivers’ education program that goes beyond your typical classroom experience. Driving their own cars, teens learn how to properly brake in emergency situations, control unintended oversteer and understeer and avoid accidents. They are taught how to drive their vehicle rather than simply operate it. To-date, nearly 15,000 teens have completed the program and over 130 schools will be offered in 2016 throughout the country.
For more information about Tire Rack Street Survival, visit For more tips as well as tools for safe driving, such as tire pressure gauges, tread depth gauges and related information, visit