Tyrexpo Asia has postponed its event until Feb. 17-19, 2004, because of the SARS virus, according to its event organizer.
Paul Farrant, managing director of ECI International Ltd., says it is in the best interests of exhibitors and visitors to reschedule the convention and trade show from its original dates in September because "the current situation relating to the SARS virus could unduly affect the success of Tyrexpo Asia."
The dates were moved to February 17-19 because event organizers anticipate government travel restrictions will be "significantly diminished" and confidence in international travel fully restored by then.
Tyrexpo Asia will be held at the Singapore Expo Centre in Singapore. This will be the fourth Tyrexpo exhibit, which focuses on the tire industry in Asia and the South Pacific. It showcases tires, retreads, tire changing and repair equipment, fast fit, garage equipment and parts and accessories.
For more information, contact East Sussex, England-based ECI by phone at 44 (0) 1892 770777 or by e-mail at [email protected]. ECI's Web site is www.eci-international.com.