Day two of the Intelligent Tire Technology Conference opens with GM's lead TPMS engineer
John Maxgay, lead tire pressure monitoring system engineer for General Motors Corp., will lead off the day two speeches at the third Intelligent Tire Technology Conference.
His talk on "Using Consumer Perceptions to Improve TPMS Design" will begin at 9:15 a.m. on Wednesday, April 30, 2008, at the Marriott Dearborn Inn in Dearborn, Mich. Day one of the main conference will be held Tuesday, April 29 (see "Intelligent Tire Technology Conference opens with TIA's Rohlwing on TPMS standardization," Feb. 15, 2008).
Pre-conference workshops and roundtables will be held on Monday, April 28.
As part of his presentation, Maxgay will review updated information about customer perceptions at both the service and end-consumer levels. He will evaluate the effects of education efforts, and discuss information needed to shape the requirements of future TPMS systems.
Five presentations will follow:
* "Analyzing TPMS Impact on Vehicle Dynamics & Vehicle Safety,"
* "Understanding TPMS Requirements from an OEM Perspective,"
* "Understanding What OEM's Require" (a panel discussion),
* "Maintaining Durability of a Sensor in a Hostile Environment," and
* "Reviewing Direct and Indirect TPMS: Current Status and Future Opportunities."
Pre-conference workshops and roundtables will be held on Monday, April 28
The Intelligent Tire Technology Conference is designed to explore future TPMS technologies, implementation and instrumentation. "Early bird" pricing is available. Call (800) 882-8684 to register.
For more information, visit