Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. has transferred Mike Thomann from his position as president and chief operating officer of its Wingfoot Commercial Tire Systems LLC joint venture with Treadco Inc.
Thomann is now "on special assignment" for the Akron, Ohio-based tiremaker, according to a company spokesman.
He will be replaced tomorrow by Steve McClellan, a Goodyear general business manager.
McClellan, who supervised Goodyear's 40-plus Allied Tire retail stores in Florida prior to his most recent job within the company, will report to Wingfoot CEO Bob Myers.
Goodyear owns 60% of Wingfoot, which was created last summer. It is the largest retreader in the United States with more than 70 shops, according to Modern Tire Dealer data. It retreads nearly 7,500 commercial truck, 410 light truck and 95 OTR tires a day.