Penske Auto Centers has lent its name to an upcoming series of televised horse races.
A recently forged agreement with the National Thoroughbred Racing Association (NTRA) gives Penske "entitlement rights" to the sanctioning body's $1 million Breeders' Cup Sprint, plus a series of races that make up the World Thoroughbred Championships Sprint Division.
"This strategic marketing alliance provides an opportunity for Penske to reach a whole new viewing audience through major television outlets such as CNBC, NBC and the ESPN family of networks," says Penske Auto Centers President and CEO Jim Wheat.
"Research indicates that the audience of loyal horse race enthusiasts is second only to auto racing and it continues to grow each year."
Penkse Auto Centers is the largest independent tire dealership in North America with more than 630 retail outlets, according to Modern Tire Dealer data. It sells Penske, Goodyear and Dunlop brand tires.