Following last week's terrorist attacks on America, organizers of Automotive Aftermarket Industry Week (AAIW) say they lost momentum in preparation for their various conventions and trade shows. But they will go on as scheduled.
AAIW will run from Oct. 30 through Nov. 2 in Las Vegas, Nev.
In a prepared statement, Chuck Blum, president of the Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA), Christopher Bates, CEO and president of the Motor & Equipment Manufacturers Association MEMA), and Alfred Gaspar, CEO and president of the Automotive Aftermarket Industry Association (AAIA) had this to say:
"There is little question that the tragic events of the past week will forever remain in our memories and in our hearts. As the nation continues to reflect on these tragedies, it is time -- as President Bush states -- to resume our daily routines in our family, civic and business lives.
"With this in mind, as America prepares itself for future sacrifice and uncertainty, the sponsors of the AAPEX and SEMA/ITE (International Tire Exposition) shows believe it is vital that our industry move forward. AAIW is the premier annual trade event for our
industry. In addition to creating new sales
opportunities, attendees and exhibitors gain valuable information through educational events, generate new contacts from the many networking opportunities, and, in general, move their businesses forward.
"Through AAIA, MEMA and SEMA, as well as through the numerous members of each association, the aftermarket has shown its
compassion by contributing to the relief
efforts. These efforts will continue as long as those affected by last week's tragedies need our help.
"In summary, the show must go on -- and it
will be a show you won't want to miss."