Kauffman Tire Service's new B2B site was launched today in partnership with BravePoint, a provider of e-business and enterprise solutions. The site is fully integrated with the dealership's existing Progress-based system.
"The beauty of it is that it's integrated to our database so that any change we make there is reflected immediately and automatically on the Web site," says Richard Aldredge, vice president of information systems for Kauffman. "At any given moment, our customers have access to real-time quantity information and pricing structure."
The system also provides customers with more in-depth information about their product lines, including specifications and photos on all models, availability by market and a clear presentation of their detailed pricing structure.
"BravePoint's WebSpeed solution also allows us to provide information by market so a customer only sees what's available in his area," adds Aldredge.
Kauffman Tire, based in College Park, Ga., has 37 retail locations in four states. BravePoint, formerly United Systems Inc., is based in Atlanta, Ga.