The Rubber Manufacturers Association (RMA), in partnership with the New Mexico Environment Department's Solid Waste Bureau and the New Mexico Firefighters Training Academy, will hold the first New Mexico Scrap Tire Management Conference Oct. 16-17.
It will be held at the New Mexico Firefighters Training Academy in Socorro, N.M.
The first morning's program will focus on the use of tire bales in engineered applications. The afternoon session will feature fire prevention and fire fighting strategies, with special attention on baled tire fires.
A tire baling demonstration will wrap up the first day's activities.
"If tire baling is to have any real impact, then technical information and engineering reports must be collected and presented," says Michael Blumenthal, RMA senior technical director. "The presentations and discussions from this conference will provide much of the technical information that has been missing to date."
The second day's presentation will focus on civil engineering applications, tire-derived fuel and asphalt rubber. In addition, the Texas Department of Transportation will make a presentation on the agency's recently completed baled tire project.
Registration for the two-day conference is $75. The fee includes continental breakfast, lunch, morning and afternoon beverage breaks, and materials.
The Oct. 16 program will be held from 8 a.m.-5 p.m.; the Oct. 17 program will be held from 8 a.m.-noon.
For more information on the conference agenda, hotel accommodations and to obtain a registration form, call RMA at (202) 682-4800 or visit RMA's Web site at