B&J Rocket is presenting the RFBOT (Round-Faced Buff Out Tool) at Reifen 2012, which takes place June 5-8, at Messe Essen, Germany.
B&J says that after intensive development and extensive tests the Swiss company looks forward to the introduction of the new series named AIRBOT. The tool’s rounder profile ensures a smoother buffing crater.
The RFBOT AIRBOT series offers angled set-up and works efficiently with reduced buffing time, the company notes. The tool is cooled with an open design, resulting in a longer lifetime.
“Our users have been testing the new buffing tools for us extensively and are positively surprised by our new AIRBOT,” explains Andreas Müller, managing director of B&J Rocket. “No one had expected that such significant improvements could be made on the established design of the B&J RFBOT.”
For more information on Reifen Essen, see: http://www.moderntiredealer.com/News/Story/2011/12/Reifen-2012-will-conduct-Innovation-Awards-ceremony.aspx