Federated Auto Parts and its members are collecting donations for the annual Toys for Tots campaign.
“Federated kicked off the season in a big way by recently presenting a check for $264,000 to the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots campaign, but that’s not all,” says John Marcum, marketing director for Federated. “Now through the holidays, participating Federated members are also collecting toys and monetary donations for the campaign. They have put together some terrific programs at the local level to make sure Christmas is a little brighter for those in need.”
Federated members across the country are conducting their own campaigns. Arnold Oil in Austin, Texas and California-based Vaca Valley Auto Parts are collecting toys and donations, and both members have created special promotional programs for their customers and employees. Warehouse Inc., a Federated member based in Hays, Kan., is collecting toys at 82 locations in five states and also is working with a local high school that has chosen Toys for Tots as the charity for its class project.
To make a financial contribution directly to Toys for Tots, visit the Federated Auto Parts website at www.federatedautoparts.com/ToysforTots.aspx and click on “Make a Donation.” Donors can use a credit card securely or print out a form and mail it with a check made out to Toys for Tots. All donations are used to benefit the local community where the donation originated.
For more information, visit www.federatedautoparts.com.