Readers Take Steps to Provide Security

Aug. 8, 2016

Each month we ask members of our National Advisory Council (NAC) a question or questions on a current hot topic. This month we asked, “What security measures do you have in place to keep your business, yourself, your employees and your customers and their vehicles safe from people who intend to do harm?” Here are some of their responses.

1. We support high-definition video cameras at all locations. These cameras capture activity both inside and outside of the building. Security lights, alarms and fencing complement these security measures. We do have concealed carry permit-holders at each location who have also been trained in active shooter scenarios with local law enforcement.

2. We provide cameras in our facilities. We also have alarms, lights and fencing. The cost of protection far overrides the price of event/theft.

3. We have alarms, some video cameras, security lights, etc., but these are mainly to control inventory, etc. We need to do a better job on this. No guns are allowed on our premises.

Sears to sell DieHard tires

In news items and Editor Bob Ulrich’s blogs on our website, we wrote about Sears Holdings Corp. bringing the DieHard brand tire to market (see article on page 60). Here are some comments concerning the move:

Sears is no longer a top-of-mind retailer in Southern California. However, Craftsmen, Kenmore and DieHard are great names. Sears is not a cool place to shop. It’s probably going to survive as a reduced version of itself. Here’s my take on the issue: I’ve seen Montgomery Wards bite the dust, and JCPenney sold its automotive shops to Bridgestone Americas. My thinking is Sears will sell its automotive business to Bridgestone which can actually buy and run the operations. This is consistent with Bridgestone’s stated goal of 800 more locations. The big question is, are “mall” locations the place to be in the future?

Wayne Williams, President, ExSell Marketing Inc., La Habra, Calif.

They still own the Allstate brand, duh! Why wouldn’t they want a Sears Allstate All Season. Any of us could help them with their marketing slogans.... Always, Allstate; All Seasons, Always, Allstate — Sears!

Corky Coker, President, Coker Tire Co., Chattanooga, Tenn.

It’s a good brand name for batteries, but it may become a marketing liability if there is a DieHard tire-related accident with an unfortunate fatality.

Gus Lima, CEO, Latin Expo Group LLC, Miami, Fla.

It is almost like, “When is the funeral?” They should have never gotten out of the catalog business.

Barry Steinberg, Owner, Direct Tire and Auto Service, Watertown, Mass.

I agree with Barry Steinberg’s comment concerning whether funeral arrangements have been made. It seems like a last ditch effort approved by some people who know little about tire retail sales. This isn’t the old days, they need to revive the excitement and have the best warranty in the industry if they want to survive. Sears became way too complacent in its automotive business, and that along with unhappy employees equals bad morale. I hope they survive, but “DieHard” for the name of a tire? I’d fire the marketing team on this project.

Tom Huls, Franchisee, Tokah Inc., dba Big O Tires, Yucca Valley, Calif.

What’s on your mind?

Why are tire retailers being treated differently (regarding tire registration) and manufacturers are being allowed to shift the burden of such registration onto the back of small businesses? Tire retailers must still comply with current tire registration laws that require them to provide the customer with the Tire Identification Number (TIN) on a card so the consumer can register their tires. We may encounter some additional costs to fully comply with current tire registration guidelines.

Tripp Lee, General Manager, Frasier Tire Service Inc., Sumter, S.C.

Join Modern Tire Dealer’s National Advisory Council

Each month, Modern Tire Dealer is guided and influenced by a select group of readers — members of our National Advisory Council. These members’ opinions are the heart of the monthly Your Marketplace column, compiled by industry analyst Nick Mitchell. If you’d like to join this prestigious group, please let us know. We’d love to hear from you. Contact Editor Bob Ulrich at [email protected] or call (330) 899-2200, ext. 11.

To read more Your Turn columns, see:

Wayne Williams' Columns are 'Spot On,' Reader Says

All You Have to Do Is Act Naturally

Walmart is 'Driving Customers to My Door'

What's Up With Consumer Tire Prices?

About the Author

Bob Ulrich

Bob Ulrich was named Modern Tire Dealer editor in August 2000 and retired in January 2020. He joined the magazine in 1985 as assistant editor, and had been responsible for gathering statistical information for MTD's "Facts Issue" since 1993. He won numerous awards for editorial and feature writing, including five gold medals from the International Automotive Media Association. Bob earned a B.A. in English literature from Ohio Northern University and has a law degree from the University of Akron.

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