U.S. economy tops trucking industry worries

Oct. 14, 2009

The state of the U.S. economy is the top concern of trucking industry executives, according to  a recent survey by the American Transportation Research Institute.

"Government regulation, which has been on a steady climb since the inaugeral survey in 2005, came in as the second most pressing issue," say officials from the American Trucking Associations (ATA), which commissioned the study.

"Other 'Top 10' issues include fuel, congestion, hours-of-service and the environment. Truck size and weight appeared for the first time in the 2009 survey as a key productivity issue that many industry stakeholders feel must be addressed."

Commenting on the survey results, ATA CEO and President Bill Graves says "on every legislative and regulatory topic, issues come and go so quickly today. If we're not at the table with sound, science-based information and a common sense plan of action, then we're going to be left behind and saddled with solutions that have no bearing on moving America's freight safely and efficiently."

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