The possibility that a federal excise tax of $.05 - $.15 per pound on tread rubber used in the retread process could be reinstated is just one reason to attend Federal Lobby Day in Washington, D.C. on Feb. 5, 2015, according to David Stevens, managing director of the Tire Retread and Repair Information Bureau (TRIB).
Proposed changes under consideration for the upcoming Highway Bill include:
* reinstating the federal excise tax of $.05 - $.15 per pound on tread rubber used in the retread process;
* increasing the federal excise tax on truck tires by 10%;
* increasing the federal excise tax on trucks and truck parts by 10% ;
* increasing the motor fuel tax by $.15 - $2.00 per gallon; and
* reinstating the federal excise tax on passenger tires.
TRIB is encouraging its members, along with members of the Tire Industry Association (TIA) and state associations to come to Washington, D.C. on Feb. 5, 2015, to meet and speak directly with members of Congress and Committee staff about highway funding and proposals that will impact the tire industry.
“The more attendees we have, the stronger our message becomes. The next transportation bill could include tax provisions that would affect the retread industry adversely for the next decade. With transportation funding being addressed in the spring of 2015, the timing could not be better to have our voices heard in front of the decision makers in Washington,” says Stevens.
Federal Lobby Day will include a luncheon with Congressional leaders in the Caucus Room of the Cannon House Office Building, meetings with members of Congress and Committee staff from the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee, followed by a reception on Capitol Hill. Federal Lobby Day is organized by TIA.
“Free transportation will be provided on February 5th from the Embassy Suites Hotel and TIA's offices, as well as a free lunch, free cocktail reception, and most importantly the priceless opportunity to have your voice heard in the halls of Congress,” says Stevens.
A flyer with complete information and a registration form can be found on TRIB's website.