Krcelic, Miller Want to Help Tire Dealers

March 4, 2024

Two former TBC Corp. executives have joined forces to help tire dealers with acquisitions, business optimization and other functions. 

Marty Krcelic, former executive vice president of TBC, and Tim Miller, former TBC executive vice president, chief financial officer and treasurer, recently formed MK Value Creation Advisors. (Krcelic also was president and chief operating officer of TBC Brands LLC.)

The tagline of the new company, which is based in Florida, is “fix, grow, sell,” Miller recently told MTD. 

“My skill set is around building businesses and helping them scale,” he said.

“And what was super apparent to me is that business owners only go through the sale process once in their lives. We’ve done this 30 or 40 times,” while working at TBC.

“Marty and I can enter the picture and say, ‘This makes sense or doesn’t make sense.’ We can also help fix your company and you can continue to run it. Then if an owner says, ‘I’ve grown it, I’ve fixed it and now I want to sell it,’ we can be their trusted advisors.”

Miller added that MK Value Creation has “private equity partners who can come in, for example, and buy a minority stake” in a business.

“People who aren’t in the tire space are looking to get into the tire space,” said Krcelic. “They like it and it’s a good investment opportunity. I think you’ll continue to see consolidation and as that occurs, we’ll be in a very unique position to help.”

“The fundamentals of our industry are strong and I would say there are more interested sellers today” than ever before, said Miller.