Liberty Tire Recycling is part of the 2012 City of Atlanta Tire Round Up, an event that will be held today (Saturday, April 28) from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
During this time, tires will be collected and recycled throughout seven of Atlanta, Ga.'s districts as part of an ongoing effort to control and minimize illegal tire dumping throughout the city. Tire collections will take place at a host of locations across the city.
The recycling company is partnering with Keep Atlanta Beautiful and the City of Atlanta Tire Commission to make the event a success.
"Illegal tire dumping continues to be a widespread concern for residents and businesses across Atlanta's neighborhoods," says Dewey Grantham Jr., regional manager for Liberty Tire Recycling.
Once the tires are collected, they will be taken to Liberty Tire Recycling's Atlanta facility for processing. The rubber from these tires will be utilized to create eco-friendly products such as alternative fuels and rubber mulch for landscaping and playgrounds.
For more information on Liberty Tire Recycling, visit