Fury Off-Road Tires LLC has relocated and expanded its headquarters, while also consolidating its three warehouses into a single 75,000 square-foot space in Irving, Texas.
The company says the move "will allow for company wide growth and housing for all sales, operations and warehousing. This will allow Fury to provide customers even better, faster service than before."
The new facility will expand the company's warehouse capacity to more than 30,000 tires. Fury Off-Road Tires says that stock, and central location in Texas, will allow the company to deliver tires to anyone in the continental U.S. within two or three days. Fury Off-Road Tires says the new location "will allow for continued growth" of the company's tire lineup, with new tire lines and innovations for the future. The company was established in 2016 and focuses on developing niche sizes and products in 17-inch to 30-inch tires.
For more information, visit www.furytires.com.