Herkules markets new oil filter crusher

Dec. 1, 2010

Herkules Equipment Corp.'s new oil filter crusher is desiged to crush multiple filters at once or one large 20-inch filter. The result is an 80% reduction in size -- and a 98% oil extraction rate.

Extracted oil from the crushed oil filters flows from the chamber down to the drain outlet for easy collection. Oil from filters placed on the convenient shelf-area flow down through the oil-drain-grid to the drain outlet as well.

"Environmental service pick up costs can be drastically reduced by filling a 55-gallon drum with crushed filters," says the company.

The Model OFC4 crusher is powered by Herkules Air Bag technology, a maintenance-free, durable power source that eliminates electrical and hydraulic hazards, providing a safe work environment.  It is backed by a five-year warranty.

The dual door/latch interlock system helps protect the operator during the 35- to 55-second crushing cycle.

The Herkules Oil Filter Crusher also is equipped with a filter regulator/air gauge so the operator can easily set the proper air pressure and ensure clean, dry air for a long lasting, dependable crusher.

For more product information, visit www.herkules.us.