Tracer has dye injection kit for R-1234yf

May 12, 2015

Spectronics Corp.’s Tracer Products division says its TP-9844 EZ-Ject R-1234yf A/C Dye Injection Kit makes adding fluorescent leak detection dye to R-1234yf A/C systems quick and easy.

At the heart of the kit is the EZ-Ject A/C dye injector assembly. It easily overcomes system pressure so the dye can be injected whether the A/C system is off or running, according to the company. A simple turn of the handle injects the exact amount of dye into the system.

The kit also contains a 0.5 oz (14.8 ml) EZ-Ject R-1234yf/PAG multi-dose A/C dye cartridge that services up to 14 vehicles. In addition, an R-1234yf hose/coupler with purge fitting is included.

For more information, visit or call 1-800-641-1133; outside the U.S. and Canada, call 516-333-1254.

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