Performance Plus celebrates 40th anniversary

Dec. 15, 2011

Performance Plus Tire and Auto recently celebrated its 40th anniversary with a celebration at the company’s Long Beach, Calif., superstore.

More than 250 guests representing vendors, customers, staff and former staff members from all four decades were in attendance, as was retired former owner Glenn Feldman.  .

The event was highlighted with a large, 22-panel pictorial history of the company prepared by owner Hank Feldman’s wife. Owners Hank Feldman and Ricky Oropeza also gave their personal insights of the company’s history.  

Performance Plus began business 40 years ago under the name of The Big House of Chrome in Inglewood, Calif.  Over the years the company purchased Dave’s Home of Chrome in Compton, Calif., and changed its name to Performance Plus Tire and Auto. It has grown to include 10 stores in the Los Angeles and Orange County area.

The Los Angeles riots dealt a devastating blow to the company in 1992 with the total loss of three stores and inventory loss of two others. During the following years, the company re-built and re-structured, ultimately deciding to have one strong superstore in one central location to serve its entire marketing area. This restructuring, and the strengthening of its Internet presence, has helped add to the company’s success.

Performance Plus uses the tagline “locally world famous.” It is well known in the Long Beach area for its efforts to give back to the local community. This includes its annual Thanksgiving food drive, which this year provided over 1,200 boxes of food to over 725 needy families in the area.

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