Cooper's Michael Rall receives leadership award

June 15, 2011

Cooper Tire & Rubber Co.'s Michael Rall has been named the 2010 Quality Professional of the Year by the American Society for Quality's Automotive Division.

The prestigious honors will be presented during the ASQ Automotive Division's annual awards event on June 21, 2011, at the Automotive Hall of Fame in Dearborn, Mich.

The Quality Professional of the Year award is presented annually to recognize individuals in the automotive industry who have made significant contributions in:

* leadership or managerial skills in implementing continuous improvement in quality;

* services provided to the community toward furthering the understanding of quality systems and techniques;

* support and encouragement of new and innovative ideas leading to the never-ending pursuit of excellence; and

* demonstrating a high regard for team benefits and results.

"Quality leadership must be the overriding goal," says ASQ Automotive Division Chairman Ha Dao. "Rall was selected for this award for his outstanding leadership, significant contributions to quality improvement and for his services to the profession."

Rall, a Six Sigma "Tire Master Black Belt," has been an ASQ senior member since 2007 and has served as ASQ Automotive Division Council Voice of the Customer chair since last year. He has more than 29 years' experience in Quality/Operational Excellence, Engineering, and Operations leadership.

ASQ Automotive Division’s vision is to be recognized as the global leader for automotive quality. For more information, visit