CMA launches redesigned Double Coin Web site

Aug. 11, 2011

Double Coin Holdings Ltd. and the China Manufacturers Alliance LLC (CMA) have launched Double Coin’s redesigned Web site at:

“As Double Coin Tires continues to progressively strengthen its brand quality, image and awareness, we are committed to utilizing the most advanced technologies to improve our customers’ online experiences,” says Aaron Murphy, vice president of CMA. “The intent of the Web site redesign is to provide more information while maintaining a user-friendly navigation system.”

The new site's enhanced features include the following:

* a wider viewing area,

* all new tire images, and

* a resource center for downloadable information and reference.

Additionally, users are now able to access more Double Coin customer testimonials, and navigate through a multitude of products and their features, benefits and data specifications.

Double Coin’s network of more than 1,000 independent tire dealerships and truck stop locations are easily searchable using the latest Google Maps technology and application. Double Coin intends to introduce a mobile-friendly version of its comprehensive dealer locator in September.

CMA hired the Artime Group to redesign the Double Coin Web site.

"Much emphasis was placed on the 'User Interface' design that created a highly visual and rich user experience,” says Henry Artime, president of the Artime Group. “The new Double Coin Web site was built from the ground up on a robust and secure platform based on the latest Microsoft technologies such as ASP.NET MVC and SQL Server.”

To view the new Web site, visit