The 2012 schedule for Certified Commercial Tire Service (CTS) Instructor Classes is out. Run by the Tire Industry Association (TIA), they begin Feb. 28 in Denver, Colo.
Students who attend the four-day sessions in Denver or Baltimore, Md., are qualified as 400 Level Certified CTS Instructors and can go back to their places of business and certify their remaining employees as 300 Level Technicians.
This comprehensive TIA program exceeds OSHA regulation 29 CFR 1910.177 and offers instruction on every aspect of commercial tire service including: basic tire information, emergency road service, torque, jacking and lifting, balancing, nail hole repair and much more.
Here are the dates for 2012:
Feb. 28-March 2.
April 24-27.
Nov. 13-16.
March 20-23.
Sept. 11-14.
Oct. 16-19.
For more information on the classes and to register, visit or contact TIA Director of Training Christine Marnett at [email protected] or (800) 876-8372, extension 106.