CMA, Double Coin make available retread specifications to retreaders in North America
For the first time, China Manufacturers Alliance LLC (CMA) and Double Coin Holdings Ltd. have available retread specifications for Double Coin radial truck and bus tire casings.
The formal specifications allow retreaders in North America to have certified retread specs for Double Coin tires. That includes the buff radius and buffing width from 15- through 24.5-inch rim widths. The specifications also include data for tube type, tubeless, conventional and low-profile tires.
Double Coin compiled the data by working with several strategic retreaders in North America.
"We want to make sure that fleets and other end-users receive the optimum performance from our product," says Aaron Murphy, vice president of CMA.
The Double Coin truck tire warranty includes all the normal guarantees one expects in a tire warranty, plus a 50% free replacement option. It also includes a casing warranty throughout the life of the second retread.
Double Coin offers a liberal casing allowance to dealers and end users, according to CMA.
Double Coin is sending these specifications to retread plant managers in North America as well as the major retread manufacturers. The specifications also can be found in a downloadable file on Double Coin's Web site,, under the "Tech Center" tab. Just hit the "Search" button for the "View All" category.