The new chairman and director of Toyo Tire & Rubber Co. Ltd. is Kasumi Komaguchi. Toyo’s board of directors also assigned new duties to several executives at an extraordinary meeting of shareholders on Nov. 12, 2015.
Komaguchi joined the company in mid-October of 2015. Most recently, he was representative director and vice chairman of Kyocera Document Solutions Corp., and director and senior managing executive officer of the parent Kyocera Corp.
Takashi Shimizu will take on the following responsibilities: president; representative director; group executive officer tire business; chief risk management officer; chief compliance management officer; general manager seismic isolation rubber division. He formerly was senior corporate officer; general manager tire planning division, tire business group headquarters; general manager, North America business unit, tire business group headquarters.
Koichi Ono will add the following responsibilities: director; general manager, tire planning division, tire business group headquarters; general manager, North American business unit, tire business group headquarters. He will continue as senior corporate officer and general manager tire R&D division.
Masaji Ishino becomes a director and continues as senior corporate officer and group executive officer, DT business.
Tetsuo Tatara will add the duties of director; senior corporate officer; and general manager, central research center overseeing tire production division and DT production division. He will continue as general manager, fundamental technology center and general manager, production engineering center.
Ken Morita has been named outside director.
Takuji Yamamoto has been named special advisor and assistant to general manager, seismic isolation rubber division. He formerly was president, representative director and group executive officer, tire business; chief risk management officer, chief compliance management officer, and general manager, seismic isolation rubber division.
Kenichi Ueda is the new general manager, standards management department, quality assurance division. He continues his roles as corporate officer and general manager, quality assurance division.
On June 23, 2015, Toyo announced it would be replacing the existing management to take responsibility for the seismic rubber product matter. The company says its priority is to resolve the resulting issues as soon as possible. "Additionally, there are demands for a thorough transformation of the corporate culture and continued business growth.”