Tire repair bill dies, but may be resurrected

July 15, 2012

For all intents and purposes, New York's tire repair bill is dead. The Proper Tire Repair Act, S 7082, was not voted upon before the New York State Legislature ended its most recent session.

The legislature still could hold a special session before it re-convenes next year, but that is "highly unlikely," says Roy Littlefield, executive vice president of the Tire Industry Association (TIA).

The bill was passed by the New York Senate Transportation Committee on June 5, 2012, during National Tire Safety Week  (see "N.Y. is close to banning plug-only repairs"). The Rubber Manufacturers Association (RMA) supported the bill. TIA did not,

Following a special conference call with the board of directors, TIA submitted a series of amendments to the tire repair legislation that focused on outlawing improper tire repairs (see "TIA submits response to tire repair legislation").

Littlefield stands by those amendments, which he says makes the bill "more proactive than reactive."

Although New York can re-introduce the bill next year, Littlfield hopes TIA and the RMA can help draft a Maryland tire repair bill that both will support. The bill would be a test case for similar legislation in other states.

Plenty of people have responded to Modern Tire Dealer's tire repair coverage since news of the bill broke. To read what they had to say, check out the comments following these links:

"N.Y. is close to banning plug-only repairs."

"Do you think plug-only repairs are safe?"

"Should tire repairs be legislated?"

It looks like the issue isn't going to go away, so weigh in on the issue by leaving a comment following this item!