Safer customers with Kumho winter driving tips

Nov. 13, 2012

Kumho Tire U.S.A. Inc. has partnered the Mid-Ohio School of Driving to provide expert tips for safe travels during the winter weather driving season.

“Kumho Tire and the Mid-Ohio School of Driving are partners in working to ensure drivers are safe on the roads,” says David Koh, Kumho’s marketing manager. “With the appropriate tires, checked both for proper inflation and tread wear, drivers are more prepared for severe winter weather.”

Koh says that winter driving requires being mindful of changing conditions and to be prepared for all situations.

“Tires are the only four points of contact a driver has with the road and their condition should be optimal to keep everyone in the car and other drivers on the road safe.”

Before any trip, it is important for drivers to evaluate the quality of their vehicle’s condition. As roads become covered in freezing rain, snow and ice, it is vitally important for tires to retain traction in changing weather scenarios.

Kumho says that ensuring a car is outfitted with the right tires to manage varying types of inclement weather, such as Kumho Tire’s ultra-high performance all-weather Ecsta 4X, helps drivers be prepared for any conditions.

Kumho Tire and the Mid-Ohio School of Driving offer the following advice:

  • Check Inflation – Low tire pressure can cause tires to lose traction on wet and slippery roads, resulting in a loss of control. Since colder weather can affect tire pressure, it is important for drivers to check inflation at least once a month or before long trips to maintain proper pressure. On average, for every 10 degrees of change in ambient temperature, tires will be affected one PSI. This change in weather can lead to under inflation and unaware drivers run the risk of damage in an emergency situation.
  • Ensure Quality – Worn tire tread does not provide the proper grip required to maintain traction during the wet winter months. It is important to check the tread depth of the vehicle’s tires to ensure they are good enough condition to last through the winter. Drivers should also check the spare tire for proper inflation and any signs of wear or cracking.
  • Be Prepared – Severe winter weather comes during the busy holiday travel season when drivers take long road trips. Even with proper planning, unpredictable weather can impede driving and it is important to be prepared with extra supplies in your vehicle.  Drivers should pack an emergency kit with blankets, extra jackets, a flashlight with new batteries, water, imperishable food snacks, a shovel, window ice scraper, flares and a spare tire.
  • Maintain Proper Speed and Distance – Most accidents occurring in the winter are caused by driving too fast for the often rainy and snowy conditions. In rain, snow and ice conditions, tires have less grip on the road and require more distance to accelerate and brake. It is important for drivers to maintain more distance between vehicles to provide enough time and space to react.