Chinese imports are up; is another tariff looming?

Dec. 26, 2013

Uh-oh. Consumer tire imports from China will reach a record 51 million units this year, the first full year without the infamous 35%-30%-25% tariff.

Remember when the United Steelworkers complained that Chinese imports to the U.S. were unreasonably high? That was when they were at 46.5 million units. What will union leadership think now?

Certainly market circumstances in 2013 are different than they were in 2009, the year the tariff was enacted. Does that make another tire tariff less or more likely?

To find out, read Modern Tire Dealer Editor Bob Ulrich's latest blog, "Will record consumer tire imports lead to another tariff?"

Does it matter? Would another significant tariff on consumer tires imported from China hurt your business? Read the blog, then let us know what you think by leaving a comment!