'Final' tariff ruling awaits on June 12

June 11, 2015

Another hearing, more testimony, and yet, the waiting continues for official word on anti-dumping and countervailing duties on passenger and light truck tires manufactured in China.

On June 9 the International Trade Commission (ITC) held a hearing where both those opposed to tariffs and those who favor them — notably the United Steelworkers and the lawmakers who represent states where those workers are employed — testified once again.

The ITC has made some of the testimony provided that day available online. Find it here.

The ITC's hearing came just days before its counterpart, the Department of Commerce's International Trade Administration (ITA), issues its final determinations on Chinese imports. The ITA will issue its final determinations on Friday, June 12, 2014.

After the ITA issues its ruling, the ITC will follow with its own determination. If both entities find that the U.S. market is being harmed by the sales of Chinese tires, the DOC will issue a final order to implement the tariffs.

Read more about Tuesday's hearing here: China will resort to 'old ways' without tariff.