The Tire Association of North America (TANA) is a key player in a new program designed to educate consumers about proper tire and automotive maintenance.
The campaign, which is being launched in conjunction with Washington, D.C.-based car service organization Motorist Assurance Program (MAP), includes efforts to address public concerns about the tire industry raised by government bureaucrats and the mass media -- a process TANA hopes will result in heightened customer confidence.
MAP was formed in 1992 to address similar concerns in the automotive repair industry.
TANA will encourage tire dealers to participate in the program and will provide materials focusing on proper vehicle maintenance and automobile care basics that can be given to customers.
The program also will promote the accreditation of tire stores through MAP, which has given its blessing to more than 5,000 auto service businesses.
"Information for consumers, a course of action for dealers, a better relationship between customers and tire businesses -- the (program) can help everyone," says TANA President Nick Hodel.