Bridgestone Corp. contributes $1 million to Red Cross relief efforts
Bridgestone Corp., on behalf of all Bridgestone Group companies, has donated $1 million to the American Red Cross to help fund medical treatment and other support for the victims of last week's terrorist attacks in the U.S.
"Our subsidiary, Bridgestone/Firestone Inc., is a proud member of the U.S. community and employs some 45,000 Americans," says Shigeo Watanabe, Bridgestone Corp. chairman, CEO and president. "Personally, I feel a special affinity for the United States, where I lived for five years and where I have traveled extensively.
"This donation is an affirmation of the close ties between the Bridgestone Group and the men and women of the United States. Those ties reflect Bridgestone/Firestone's proud heritage of more than 100 years in America and its core position in our global organization."
In addition to the contribution by Bridgestone Corp., Bridgestone/Firestone has contributed $100,000 to the American Red Cross, and is conducting fund raising campaigns at its plants, office locations and more than 2,100 company-owned stores.