A fund to collect and distribute donations to victims of last week's terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in Manhattan, N.Y., has been established by Tire Review.
The One Fund is intended to collect money for the New York State Fraternal Order of Police and the Uniformed Firefighters Association Widows' and Children's Fund, both of which have established funds to assist in the financial, housing and educational needs of the families of the police, fire fighters and EMT personnel killed in the attacks.
Modern Tire Dealer joins the Tire Association of North America (TANA), the International Tire & Rubber Association (ITRA) and the Tire Retread Information Bureau (TRIB) in promoting The One Fund.
Co-chairmen of the fund include Steve Disney, vice president of Disney Tire & Rubber Co. in Louisville, Ky., and incoming TANA president; Tom Raben, president of Raben Tire Co. in Evansville, Ind., and ITRA president; Larry Sehman, owner of Sehman's Tire Service in Franklin, Pa., and TRIB president; and Jim Smith, editor of Tire Review.
Tire Review has established a secure bank account where all donations will be deposited. Monetary donations will be accepted through February 2002.
Monetary donations can be made out and sent to: The One Fund, P.O. Box 13916, Akron, OH 44334-3916.