Members of the Florida Independent Tire Dealers and Retreaders Association (FITDRA) and the Automotive Service Association of Florida (ASA-FL) unanimously accepted a plan of merger effective Feb. 1.
Jill Mondo, currently FITDRA executive director, will manage the new combined group, which will be called the Florida Automotive Trades Association.
"As a combined association we have many benefits to offer to the tire and automotive service industry," reports John Tidwell, FITDRA president. "A single voice for the industry, power in numbers, more membership value through combined services, information and resources, additional networking opportunities for members and suppliers, and strong affiliations with both of the national associations."
FITDRA has 220 members and ASA-FL has 250, according to Mondo. The new association will hold its first convention and trade show July 12-14 in Orlando, Fla., at the Rosen Centre Hotel.