The International Tire & Rubber Association (ITRA) and the Tire Association of North America (TANA) are campaigning to educate consumers about tire care and the importance of tire inspections.
During “National Tire Safety Week,” April 29 though May 3, 2002, ITRA and TANA will ask all industry companies to place ads in their local newspapers, advertising the benefits of tire inspections, the importance of “National Tire Safety Week,” and the necessity of proper tire care.
The newspaper advertisements will be created by ITRA and TANA, and each ad will be customized –- complete with the name and address of the store purchasing the ad -- so consumers will know where to have their tires inspected.
The purpose of the first joint public advocacy effort by the soon-to-be-merged tire associations is "to add a grassroots component to the industry-wide goal of educating consumers."
This is the first effort in a multi-year, comprehensive and cooperative effort to educate consumers, according to ITRA President Tom Raben.
“It’s crucial that all businesses in the industry do their part and participate. There’s no question that if this is really going to work -– if we truly plan to educate consumers -– that each and every business in our industry must participate in the effort to educate consumers.”
ITRA and TANA also are distributing “National Tire Safety Week” materials to ITRA/TANA members.
“National Tire Safety Week,” spearheaded by the Rubber Manufacturers Association (RMA), is a weeklong campaign dedicated to educating drivers about the importance of tire safety.
“The ITRA/TANA effort will be critical to the industry’s grassroots marketing efforts,” says RMA Vice President of Communications Dan Zielinski. “Consumer awareness starts at the point of sale."
TANA President Steve Disney says this tire dealer-based effort makes sense because most consumers rely on dealers for information about tires. A recent TANA survey indicated that 98% of consumers rely on tire industry professionals and tire dealers for information on the safety and maintenance of tires.
Pending approval of the merger by the Kentucky Secretary of State and the Internal Revenue Service, ITRA and TANA will merge into a single association on July 1, 2002. The combined association will represent all sectors of the tire industry and will have more than 4,000 members.