Retreaders will make up the majority of the membership on the Retreaders Council, a group created to address issues specific to the retreading market.
The Council initially was set to be organized after the Tire Association of North America (TANA) and International Tire and Rubber Association (ITRA) merged July 1.
But the upcoming National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) study, which calls for testing the performance of new tires vs. retreaded tires, changed that.
“We want to be absolutely sure that the new organization provides even a stronger voice for retreaders,” says Steve Disney, TANA president. “Today, three months before the merger, we will make this happen.”
According to a spokesperson for the joint association, NHTSA has stated that the testing will be completed by the end of summer 2002.
Retreaders Council members will work hand-in-hand with the Government and Public Affairs Committee to form association positions on retreading issues. ITRA President Tom Raben, a retreader from Raben Tire Co. Inc., will chair the new group.
“When a government affairs issue arises, the Council will meet with the government affairs committee to discuss potential action,” says Raben. “Likewise with a training issue, where the Council may meet with the association’s training committee to create a position.
“We will have a very prominent voice in the new organization, you can count on it.”
The Council will meet formally via teleconference as needed, and at the World Tire Expo March 27-29, 2003, in Louisville, Ky.