The Tire Industry Association (TIA) has completed the first of its two passenger and light truck tire training programs, "Basic ATS."
The new program covers proper procedures for lifting vehicles, mounting/demounting and inflation, tire balancing, nail hole repairs and wheel installation.
"We're going to have a basic and a certified program," says Kevin Rohlwing, senior vice president of education and technical services for TIA.
Basic ATS (Automotive Tire Service) will be ready to roll in March. It will come in three formats: "leader-led," self-study and an Internet program.
"Any service manager, owner, supervisor or foreman can teach the class," says Rohlwing of the leader-led format. "It's designed for the new hire or employees in need of training."
This format includes instruction manuals, an instructor's guide and student workbooks.
The self-study program in available in either VCR or DVD formats.