Three different Hankook tires - one for summer driving, one for winter use and one in the all-season category - will be original equipment on the new Mercedes-Benz S-Class, depending on drivers' needs.
In the United States market, the Hankook Ventus S1 noble 2 tire features the tire manufacturer's MOES-S label, which stands for Mercedes Original Extended Silent. This label indicates that the tire "is particularly quiet," according to Hankook officials.
"In order to meet the stringent noise requirements for this category, Hankook engineers applied Hankook Sound Absorber. This involves integrating a special polyurethane foam plate into the tire body during the manufacturing process. The plate minimizes the vibrations of the air column inside the tire.
"Sound absorber tires can reduce the peak noise level by five to seven (deciblels) and are particularly suitable for ultra-high-performance tires with small cross-sections, but large overall resonance cavities."
"We are very proud to be the original equipment supplier for the Mercedes-Benz S-Class,” says Jeongho Park, executive vice president and director of OE division at Hankook.
“The Mercedes-Benz S-Class is considered the absolute top of the luxury segment in the global automotive industry. We see this as confirmation that our products meet the highest requirements across different markets.”