AAPEX plans for Exhibitor Summit

June 20, 2012

The Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo (AAPEX) has announced speakers and panelists for its upcoming Exhibitor Summit, including a keynote address by Michael Leven, president and chief operating officer of the Las Vegas Sands Corp.

The AAPEX Exhibitor Summit is designed to help exhibitors achieve the biggest return on investment possible from AAPEX, and is offered at no cost. AAPEX 2012 will take place Tuesday, Oct. 30, through Thursday, Nov. 1, at the Sands Expo Center in Las Vegas.

Leven, a veteran hospitality executive and innovative leader with 48 years of experience in the business, will kick off the Exhibitor Summit slated for Tuesday, June 19, and Wednesday, June 20, at the Venetian and Sands Expo Center in Las Vegas.

Marketing gunslinger Steve Miller, Two Hat Marketing, will moderate the event and deliver an opening session, “Branding Strategies Include AAPEX, Too,” and two additional sessions: “Preshow Promotions: The Killer App” and “Would You Do Business with You?”

Additional sessions and panelists include:

• “Buyers – What Are They Thinking,” with panelists John Seal, vice president Merchandising Support, Advance Auto Parts, and Michael Thompson, vice president -Supply Chain, XL Parts

• “Beyond the Booth” presented by Jeff Cameron, senior creative director, Freeman

• “Exhibitors – Re-design Your Booth,” with panelists Roger Powell, shows and events coordinator, Delphi Products and Service Solutions, and Bryan Funke, AAP, director, Sales & Client Services, Polk.

In addition, the event will include a session on “Exhibit Basics” by Freeman staff, pre-scheduled one-on-one meetings with official AAPEX vendors, and optional tours of the Sands Expo Center, AAPEX sponsorship opportunity locations and the Venetian’s Hidden Assets.

For information or to register, visit the AAPEX website, www.aapexshow.com. To schedule a one-on-one meeting at the Exhibitor Summit, email: [email protected].

For more information, visit www.aapexshow.com or e-mail: [email protected].

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