TyreAware Campaign Rolls Out Across Europe

Aug. 8, 2016

Tire manufacturers from around the world have long been criticized for not paying enough attention toward how their products are presented and sold to the end user by tire dealers. However, recently I have heard about an enterprising scheme in Europe that just may change this perception and attitude in the future.

It seems there has been a recent launch of a project by tire producer associations throughout Europe of the TyreAware campaign which has been specifically introduced to raise much needed awareness of the best practices and procedures on tire maintenance, storage and service life for not just dealers but also authorities and drivers in all European countries.

The impressive working concept of the TyreAware campaign has been specially developed in partnership with the European Tyre and Rubber Manufacturers Association (ETRMA) and its members with the campaign reported being published into 14 different European languages.

These reports also can be downloaded free of charge through an interactive microsite and incorporate essential facts and important advice on tire storage, purchase, maintenance and overall tire service life. There also is a comprehensive selection of explicit videos that explain the correct time to replace tires as well as the necessity to monitor correct inflation and when to fit winter tires in various parts of Europe.It is interesting to note that visitors to the microsite can actually test their knowledge on tire care by taking part in an online quiz, and ETRMA’s Secretary General Fazilet Cinaralp states, “We are confident that the information and recommendations provided by our campaign will lead to tires being safer, lasting longer and consume less fuel as well as emitting less CO2 and offer a quieter drive.”

The TyreAware campaign has been wholeheartedly supported by the UK-based TyreSafe as it perfectly underlines the crucial role of tire safety to effectively reduce casualties on European and UK roads from the sale of defective and illegal tires.

Such helpful schemes are always welcome to assist in keeping dangerous tires off the road in Europe, but in my opinion if we are completely honest with ourselves they will never result in a complete solution to the increasing amount of driver deaths on European roads directly due to the fitment of worn and totally unsuitable tires to a vehicle.

It is very encouraging to hear that tire manufacturers are at last lending their massive support to this problem. However, ensuring that honest tire dealers are aware of the genuine support on hand for them, we have to be realistic and say that, at the moment, there will always be unregistered and totally irresponsible tire dealers who place a tire sale above safety.

So in all honesty, although this campaign will go some way to possibly eradicating the increasing sales of part-worn and illegal tires still taking place at the moment, there is still a lot of work to do to tackle this worrying problem. There is no doubt that Europe has a serious problem with illegal tire sales, but probably it is more of an international problem that we face. But at least it is encouraging that at long last tire manufacturers are taking the problem seriously.

TyreSafe is a well-respected organization that continues to grow in strength and support and Chairman Stuart Jackson is on record welcoming the launch of TyreAware and the crucial role it is playing in highlighting tire safety to effectively reduce casualties on European roads.  

John Stone has been working within the global tire industry for the past 24 years. In 2004 he launched his own consulting company, Sapphire Media Services, which caters to business media clients around the globe. Stone also writes for tire and automotive-related publications in Europe, South Africa and Asia.

To read more of John Stone's columns, see:

Europe Steps Up the Fight Against the Sale of Defective Tires

Tire Labeling Update: Increased Surveillance Should FIx a Loophole

From a Rubber Pattern to Total Control! Future Tires Will be a Source of Invaluable Information

About the Author

John Stone

John Stone has been working within the global tire industry for more than 30 years and is the owner of Sapphire Media Service, which caters to business media clients around the globe. 

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