ARI personalizes online wheel shopping

Jan. 6, 2014

ARI Network Services Inc. (ARI) has introduced Wheel Studio, an online tool that enables shoppers to see side-by-side, high resolution images of wheels on their personal vehicle make and model.

The Wheel Studio is an extension of ARI's Wheel and Tire website solution for researching and buying wheels and tires online.

ARI says the Wheel Studio includes more than 700 wheels from more than 89 brands and allows dealers to easily select and manage which brands they carry. Once Wheel Studio is added to an ARI-powered website, dealers can take advantage of the tool in-store to help customers select and buy the perfect wheels for their vehicle. The tool also includes a mobile version that gives dealers and their customers the ultimate in shopping flexibility.

"Wheel Studio offers dealers an innovative new tool that will allow consumers to see what their vehicle will look like with new wheels, says Roy W. Olivier, CEO and president. “We are confident that this new tool will help dealers sell more wheels, and it will help differentiate that dealer from their competition.”

An easy-to-use filter allows customers to search by vehicle brand, wheel diameter, color or finish. When customers find their perfect combination, the tool gives shoppers the ability to request a quote or buy online. The site also allows customers the option to save, email and print their results.

Dealers interested in learning more about Wheel Studio can click here for a demonstration, or contact Nate Lehmann, sales manager, at [email protected] or 218.740.1407 for more information.