How much have sales and profits generated by automotive services changed in the last 10 years? Very little, according to Modern Tire Dealer research. MTD’s 2017 Automotive Service Survey shows on average, automotive service at independent tire dealerships generates 46% of total sales and 45% of total earnings. Ten years ago, our survey figures were 47% and 44%, respectively.
With the exception of mounting and balancing, which they overwhelmingly offer as part of the tire-buying experience, dealers expanded their service offerings in all categories surveyed over the last decade. The biggest increase was in tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) service, with 95% of dealers offering the service versus 41% in 2007. In 2017, 83% of dealers provided engine repair/diagnostic/tune-up services, up from 58% in 2007. Cooling system service gained 16 points, with 85% of dealers offering the service compared to 69% in the 2007 survey. ■
Read the January Facts Issue here.
See the auto service charts here.