The R80EX is a dual-assist, tilt-back tire changer that includes adjustable RimGuard clamps and TurboBlast bead seating.
The external clamping can reach 10- to 30-inches in diameter and internal clamping can reach 13- to 34-inches in diameter. The maximum tire diameter it can fit is 47-inches.
The LS43B Wheel balancer uses Ranger’s Laser-Spot technology.
The balancer includes an LED rolling wheel weight display; automatic breaking; tiered weight placement indicators; an ergonomic control board; and more.
Ranger's 3D Auto Data Entry system combines with DataWand and Quick-Touch Data Arm, allowing technicians to automatically enter all wheel parameter settings in seconds flat, according to BendPak officials.
The balancer provides simultaneous retrieval of static, dynamic and ALU1/ALU2/ALU3 data.
The LS43B has a maximum tire diameter of 43-inches.